CONTACT: Amie Bauer
(785) 227-3380 Ext 8271
Bethany College
335 East Swensson Street
Lindsborg, KS 67456
LINDSBORG, KANSAS: March 20, 2020. Pursuant to recommendations of health officials for McPherson County, and the Kansas Department of Health and Environment, Messiah Festival of the Arts, 2020: Celebrating Women in the Arts, will continue modified as follows. While a delay of the Messiah may seem unprecedented, it was postponed in 1918, and continued successfully thereafter! Please note, to eliminate confusion all events show the previous schedule with the modification following. Also, keep in mind that all dates and times remain subject to change.
March 29 – May 31
122nd Annual Midwest Art Exhibition,
10am-5pm @ Birger Sandzén Memorial Gallery, Lindsborg, KS
Because of the Corona virus, the Sandzen Gallery closed, March 18, 2020, and plans to reopen on Tuesday, March 31, 2020, (subject to change) As a result, Opening reception planned for Sunday, March 29, 2020 will be postponed and instead be a closing reception on Sunday, May 31, 2020, from 2 to 4, with exhibition talks at 2:30. The exhibitions feature works by Steve Scott, Fern Cole, James Mages and Selected women artists from the Gallery’s permanent collection.
March 29
Messiah Dress Rehearsal featuring student soloists, 3pm @ Presser Hall Auditorium, Bethany College campus, Lindsborg
March 16 – April 17
Juried Student Art Exhibition @ Mingenback Art Center, Bethany College campus (corner of Olsson and 2nd street, Lindsborg.
The award ceremony for the artworks selected will be in the Mingenback Art Gallery April 5, at 4:30 pm for on-campus students only.
April 2
Fine Arts Preview Day
Band Concert, 1:30 PM @ Presser Hall Auditorium
The band concert is postponed to Thursday, October 15, 2020 and will be modified to a jazz band concert. There is a tentative performance of “Little Women: The Broadway Musical” scheduled for the evening of October 15, pending approval by Music Theatre International.
April 3 & April 4:
Little Women: The Broadway Musical,” @ Burnett Center, on April 3 at 7:30 pm and April 4, at 2:00 pm. This production is a partnership of talent of The Bethany College Theatre Department and Lindsborg’s Broadway R.F.D..Tickets: $15 adults, $7 students — general admission
Tentative performances of “Little Women: The Broadway Musical” are planned for Thursday, October 15 @ 7:30 pm, Friday, October 16 @ 7:30 pm and Saturday, October 17 @ 2:00 pm, in Burnett Center. These performances are pending approval by Music Theatre International.
April 4
Maker’s Street, 5-8 PM @ Downtown Lindsborg
POSTPONED TO: Saturday, October 17, 2020, 5-8 PM @ Downtown Lindsborg.
April 4
Landmark Concert Series – Jazz Walk, 7 PM @ Downtown Lindsborg
POSTPONED TO: Saturday, October 17, 2020, 7 PM @ Downtown Lindsborg.
April 5 (Palm Sunday)
*”A Celebration of Women in Leadership,” 3:00 PM @ Bethany Lutheran Church
POSTPONED TO: Sunday, October 18, 2020. This event will feature keynote speaker, Kansas Supreme Court Justice Evelyn Zabel-Wilson, a graduate of Bethany College, as well as Susan Candea, Bishop of the Central States Synod of the E.L.C.A. and other important local women. Also featured will be a 100 voice women’s chorus under the direction of Mrs. Britney English. The prices for this ticket event are listed at
April 7
Recital featuring Messiah Soloists, 7:30 PM @ Messiah Evangelical Lutheran Church
April 9
Student Honors Recital, 2:30 PM @ Pearson Chapel
POSTPONED TO: THURSDAY, OCTOBER 15, 2:30 pm, Pearson Chapel, Mabee Welcome Center, Bethany College campus.
April 10 (Good Friday)
*J.S. Bach’s “Passion According to St. Matthew,” 7:30 PM @ Presser Hall Auditorium
Tickets: $17 — reserved seating
April 12 (Easter Sunday)
*Handel’s “Messiah,” 3:00 PM @ Presser Hall Auditorium
POSTPONED TO JUNE 19: Another performance, this one featuring the entire Oratorio Society (and more), is planned for the evening of Friday, June 19, in conjunction with the Lindsborg Midsummer’s Festival. This performance will be held outdoors, in front of the Swedish Pavilion in Lindsborg’s Heritage Square. Dr. Lucas is calling this a “Y’all come sing” event, meaning anyone who has ever sung or played Messiah is invited. To join this one-time performance, we ask that you attend a brief rehearsal at Heritage Square Friday, June 19, at 5 pm. This performance will be free and open to the public. However, a free-will offering will be taken to offset the costs of the performance.
If interested, you can also follow general updates at