Chorus Information2023-09-08T14:15:03-05:00

Chorus Updates

Chorus Updates

Frequently Asked Questions

When do Rehearsals Start?2025-01-22T15:25:29-06:00

Rehearsals for 2025 are as follows:

Handel’s Messiah – First Practice
Sunday, Jan. 26, 3:00 pm-5:00 pm, All singers, Presser Hall

Bach’s Passion Chorus – First Practice
Tuesday, Jan. 28, 2024, 7:00 pm-9:00 pm, Pearson Chapel

Bach Selections2024-01-29T17:11:55-06:00


No. Page Title
1 1 “Come, ye Daughters”
3 22 “O blessed Jesu”
5 24 “Not upon the feast”
7 26 “To what purpose is this waste”
14 37 “Where wilt Thou”
39 “Lord is it I?”
16 40 “The sorrows Thou art bearing”
21 49 “From ill do Thou defend me”
23 51 “Near Thee would I be staying”
25 53 “Behold, how throbs”
26 57 “I would beside my Lord”
33 75 “Behold, my Saviour now is taken”
80 “Have lightnings and . . .“
84 “Let hell with its. . . “
43 121 “He is of death deserving”
45 122 “Now tell us, Thou Christ”
46 124 “O Lord, who dares to smite Thee”
47b 127 “Truly, thou also are one of them”
53 143 “Whate’er may vex or grieve thee”
146 “Barabbas!”
147 “Let Him be crucified” (a minor)
55 148 “O wondrous love”
154 “Let Him be crucified” (b minor)
156 “His blood be on us. . . “
165 “We hail Thee”
189 “He calleth for Elijah”
190 “Wait, wait, and see if Elijah cometh to save Him”
72 191 “When life begins to fail me”
192 “Truly this was the Son of God”
202 “Sir, we bear it in mind”
77 207 “And now the Lord to rest is laid”
78 207 “Here yet awhile”
Messiah & Bach Rehearsal Schedule2025-01-22T15:23:03-06:00

2025 Rehearsal Schedule

Date Event Details
1/26 First Rehearsal for Handel’s Messiah 3-5p | Presser Hall | 5p Fika
1/28 First Rehearsal for Bach’s St. Matthew Passion 7-9p | Pearson Chapel
2/2 Messiah Rehearsal 3-5p | Presser Hall
2/4 St. Matthew Passion Rehearsal 7-9p | Pearson Chapel
2/9 Messiah Rehearsal 3-5p | Presser Hall
2/11 St. Matthew Passion Rehearsal 7-9p | Pearson Chapel
2/16 Messiah Rehearsal 3-5p | Presser Hall
2/18 St. Matthew Passion Rehearsal 7-9p | Pearson Chapel
2/23 Messiah Rehearsal 3-5p | Presser Hall
2/25 St. Matthew Passion Rehearsal 7-9p | Pearson Chapel
3/2 Messiah Rehearsal 3-5p | Presser Hall
3/4 St. Matthew Passion Rehearsal 7-9p | Pearson Chapel
3/9 Messiah Rehearsal 3-5p | Presser Hall
3/11 St. Matthew Passion Rehearsal 7-9p | Pearson Chapel
3/15 – 3/22 Spring Break – No Rehearsals
3/23 Messiah Rehearsal 3-5p | Presser Hall
3/25 St. Matthew Passion Rehearsal 7-9p | Pearson Chapel
3/30 Messiah Rehearsal 3-5p | Presser Hall
4/1 St. Matthew Passion Rehearsal 7-9p | Pearson Chapel
4/6 Messiah Rehearsal with Student Soloists 3 – 5:30p | Presser Hall
4/8 St. Matthew Passion Rehearsal 7-9p | Pearson Chapel
4/10 Guest Artists Masterclass 2p – Pearson Chapel
4/10 Guest Artist Recital 7p – Pearson Chapel
4/11 Performance of Bach’s St. Matthew Passion 7:30p | Bethany Lutheran Church
4/12 Messiah Dress Rehearsal 2:30 – 5p | Presser Hall
4/13 Performance of Handel’s Messiah 3p | Presser Hall
What is the performance dress code?2023-09-08T13:55:28-05:00

Jewelry; Both Genders; All performances:  Wedding rings only.  (No other rings, nose rings, earrings, necklaces, bracelets, anklets, or piercings of any kind.)

Please refrain from using perfume or cologne as some members have allergies.

Bach’s Passion – Good Friday

  • Altos/Sopranos: For the performance, women must wear solid black.  The shoulders and upper arms should be completely covered. To limit the distractions of the audience we are suggesting that black pants be worn, especially if you are on the front row or on an aisle seat. You may wear black leggings IF you have a dress/skirt over it. If skirts are worn, they need to be calf length, so they are long enough that when sitting they are well below the knee line.  Avoid low necklines.  Shoes – Toes must be covered. Brown or nude colored shoes are preferred.  Black shoes are acceptable. Please be mindful of those behind you and don’t wear tall heels.
  • Tenors/Basses: Dark slacks, black or navy blue; black shirt; no coat or tie is required, but can be worn.

“Messiah” – Easter Sunday 

  • Altos/Sopranos: For the performance, women must wear solid white.  (Not ecru/off-white/beige/etc.) The shoulders and upper arms should be completely covered. To limit the distractions of the audience we are suggesting that white pants be worn, especially if you are on the front row or on an aisle seat. You may wear white leggings IF you have a dress/skirt over it. If skirts are worn, they need to be calf length, so they are long enough that when sitting they are well below the knee line.  Avoid low necklines.  Shoes – Toes must be covered. Brown or nude colored shoes are preferred.  Black shoes are acceptable. Please be mindful of those behind you and don’t wear tall heels.
  • Tenors/Basses:  Dark slacks, black or navy blue; dark suit jacket, black or navy blue; dark shoes and socks; white shirt (long or short sleeve); plain black or dark navy tie; college choir men can wear their tuxes with long black tie.
  • For the Messiah Dress Rehearsal everyone please wear church cloths as there will be some people in the audience.

On Performance Days, the Sections Secretaries will be scrutinizing each Chorus member’s attire.  They have the authority to ask you to go home and change, or not perform at all, if your attire does not meet these guidelines. 

Why do we have a dress code?2023-09-08T13:55:38-05:00

To put our best, most professional ‘face’ on our performances, a large group’s attire must be as unified as possible.   Glittering jewelry, lots of exposed skin, or noticeable variations in clothing actually distract an audience from the music, and the message, of the performance.  We strive to take away as many distractions as possible, so each audience member can get the utmost out of every performance.   Thank you in advance for your cooperation!

Thank you for everything you do to make each Messiah season a true Hallelujah!

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