No. Page Title
1 1 “Come, ye Daughters”
3 22 “O blessed Jesu”
5 24 “Not upon the feast”
7 26 “To what purpose is this waste”
14 37 “Where wilt Thou”
39 “Lord is it I?”
16 40 “The sorrows Thou art bearing”
21 49 “From ill do Thou defend me”
23 51 “Near Thee would I be staying”
25 53 “Behold, how throbs”
26 57 “I would beside my Lord”
33 75 “Behold, my Saviour now is taken”
80 “Have lightnings and . . .“
84 “Let hell with its. . . “
43 121 “He is of death deserving”
45 122 “Now tell us, Thou Christ”
46 124 “O Lord, who dares to smite Thee”
47b 127 “Truly, thou also are one of them”
53 143 “Whate’er may vex or grieve thee”
146 “Barabbas!”
147 “Let Him be crucified” (a minor)
55 148 “O wondrous love”
154 “Let Him be crucified” (b minor)
156 “His blood be on us. . . “
165 “We hail Thee”
189 “He calleth for Elijah”
190 “Wait, wait, and see if Elijah cometh to save Him”
72 191 “When life begins to fail me”
192 “Truly this was the Son of God”
202 “Sir, we bear it in mind”
77 207 “And now the Lord to rest is laid”
78 207 “Here yet awhile”