2023 Student Honors Recital – information to come
What: a recital featuring top Bethany students and up to 5 selected area high school students
When: Thursday, of Holy Week at 2:30 pm
Where: Pearson Chapel on the campus of Bethany College
Why: Because you’re awesome and, if selected, you will win $100 cash!
Deadline to apply: TBA
How to apply: Prepare and record one solo piece. It can be recorded during your Regional performance. Ask your teacher to upload it to www.messiahfestival.org by the deadline. Winners will then be able to spend the day getting the Bethany College experience and performing on the MFA Honors Recital. Oh, and don’t forget about your $100 cash prize!
Questions? Contact Dr. Mark Lucas at lucas@bethanylb.edu or Britney English at benglish@smokyvalley.org