Students Selected to Perform at the Messiah Festival of the Arts Honors Recital

LINDSBORG, KAN., April 6, 2022 – Nine Bethany College students were selected to perform at the Messiah Festival of the Arts Student Honors Recital at 2:30 p.m. Thursday, April 6, in Pearson Chapel on the Bethany College campus. The performance is free and open to the public.   Students performing include (from left): Justin Woolsey, percussion, is

Bethany College’s 2023 Messiah Festival of the Arts Announces Free Public Events

Bethany College proudly announces the 2023 Messiah Festival of the Arts on March 27-April 10. The festival will include an awards reception, lectures, recitals, and other free events celebrating the college's annual performance of Handel's "Messiah." The Juried Student Art Exhibition will run from March 27-April 10 in Mingenback Art Center on the college's campus. An awards reception

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